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Deciding to Find Out the Sex of Your Baby

One of the most anticipated events in having a baby is finding out whether you’re having a boy or girl.  Maybe you’re the type of person that has always known you want to find out the sex of the baby before it arrives.  And maybe you are more of a traditionalist that prefers to wait until baby’s birth.  Either decision is a great decision, and you will be surprised either way.  But are you still on the fence as to whether you should find out the sex of your baby ahead of time?  Then read on.  There are positive things about both, it’s just a matter of finding out what type of person you are.

Usually somewhere around the 20th week of pregnancy, a routine ultrasound will be performed.  Most likely during this exam, you will be asked whether you’d like to know the sex of the baby.  Know you’re answer to this question before going into the appointment!  And if you’re answer is ‘yes’, keep in mind that baby might not be in a position that will allow for the technician to know, and that they don’t always get it 100% right!

With that said, let’s talk about what might make one decide to find out the sex of their baby before birth.  My husband and I are in this category.  I always thought that I’d be the type to wait until birth, but my husband really wanted to know ahead of time.  It’s important, when making this decision, to be sensitive to the other person’s thoughts on the matter, especially if they feel very strongly one way.  One of the biggest positives about finding out ahead of time is being able to plan.  This fact is what helped us decide to find out the sex ahead of time.  I wanted to be able to buy gender-specific items before baby’s arrival.  We were able to decorate the nursery specifically for a boy, instead of keeping everything neutral.  Registering was easier.  It also gave us time to connect with the idea of having a “he” instead of an “it”.  It also helped us to concentrate on thinking of only boy names. All of these factors were very important to us, and that’s why we made the decision to find out the sex of our baby.  If you are like us and the type of person who likes to have everything planned for ahead of time, maybe finding out the sex of your baby ahead of time is the way to go.

Now some of you are thinking, “What about  being surprised?”  The truth be told, it will be a surprise either way!  My husband and I were very surprised and excited to find out at 20 weeks that we were having a boy, and yes, it is surprising and exciting for those who decide to wait as well.  But don’t think you won’t be surprised unless you wait till the birth of your baby.

So what are some of the reasons people choose to wait?  For some people, the anticipation of having to wait until baby is born is very exciting and gives them one more thing to look forward to.   It can be exciting to dream about having either a boy or a girl up until the end.  If you’re wanting the “grand-finale” effect, waiting until the birth is a great idea. 

Some other ideas on finding out the sex of your baby that I’ve heard of is to have the technician write the sex of the baby on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope.  You can open it when and if you decide.  I’ve also heard of couples who find out what the sex of their baby is, but they keep it a secret from everyone else.  In this case, I’m assuming they are careful what they register for so it doesn’t ruin their secret!  I have even heard of a couple that the wife found out but the husband didn’t want to know.  She was able to keep it a secret from him!  I’m not sure if I’d be able to keep something that big from my husband if I tried, but apparently it works for some people.

In making the decision as to whether find out the sex of your baby or not, just remember to trust your gut.  You know what type of person you are and what you’ve always dreamed.  Stick with your plan, and you won’t be disappointed!  Either way, it will be one of the biggest surprises of your life!

Did you find out the sex of your baby ahead of time or not?  What helped you make your decision?

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