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How to Pull an All-Nighter with a Sick Baby

Let’s face it:  At some point your little one is going to get sick and you’re going to have some sleepless nights because of it.  However, there are a few simple things you can do to make nights like these a little bit easier on yourself and your sick child.  Consider the following the next time you sense an all-nighter is coming on:

Choose your location

The nursery, your bedroom, the family room?  Maximum comfort is the main thing you’ll want to consider when choosing where to camp out for the night.  Find the most comfortable place for you and baby to sit or lay down for the night.  Also consider the proximity to other people who may be in the house.  You may also want access to a TV.

Gather your supplies

Try to arrange everything you’ll need to make it through the night within an arms reach of where you’re camping out.  This will keep unnecessary movement to a minimum and hopefully help your baby relax and rest as much as possible (as well as you).  Here are a list of things you may want to have closeby for the night:

Medicines, thermometer, something to drink (for you and baby), blankets and pillows, cell phone, books, tv remote, humidifier, diapering supplies, etc.

Basically anything you think you’ll need to get through the night, have it ready and closeby.

Settle in

Once your nest is made for the night, it’s just a matter of survival mode.  It’s not easy staying up all night, especially when you’ve got a baby who is crying and won’t sleep.  But you know your baby best and what calms them the most.  Try singing to them, or reading them books, or maybe they are old enough to enjoy a kids’ movie.  And if your little one ends up falling asleep, either join right in or reach for your own book or movie to keep yourself entertained for the rest of the night. 

It’s still not going to  be an easy night, but being prepared and having a well thought out plan will help it go so much smoother.

Here’s to healthy babies!

What tips do you have for staying up all night with a sick child?

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