Glass bottles are making a strong comeback to the baby bottle scene. Since the introduction of plastic baby bottles, glass had become more of a rarity, but now with BPA and other chemical scares, some parents are choosing glass over plastic. One of the most prominent glass baby bottles on the market today is the Evenflo Classic Glass Nurser. And ‘classic’ is definitely the best word to describe them. Evenflo has been manufacturing glass baby bottles for over 70 years and boasts that they always have been, and always will be, BPA-free.
After starting the first few months of my son’s life using the Breastflow bottle only to be disappointed, we made the decision to abandon the Breastflow and try something completely different. After spending a lot of time researching different bottles and keeping in mind we wanted something reasonably priced, I decided to give the Evenflo glass bottles a try.
Here are the specifics of the Evenflo Classic Glass Nursers:
The bottle itself is made of clear, chemical-free glass and comes in both four and eight ounce sizes. They come with a plastic collar, a sealing disc for milk storage, a white nipple protector, and are available with either silicone or latex nipples. The opening is standard in size and can be paired with many other brands of standard-sized nipples. These bottles are very basic and simple, hence, what makes them classic. There are no special valves, vents, or extra parts that need to be cleaned. The nipples vent by using Micro Air Vents as opposed to some of the more complicated, and expensive, bottle venting systems on the market today. The volume is marked on the side of the bottle with clear, raised glass. The bottles are also available with a Cozy sleeve, a BPA-free, removable sleeve that helps insulate the bottle. The sleeves come in a number of colors and have small raised bumps to help baby with gripping. The sleeves feature a double-loop system to easily apply and remove from the bottle. There are also other brands of sleeves available that fit the Evenflo bottles, such as Siliskins.
What originally attracted me to the bottles was their simplicity. I was tired of the extra parts involved in the Breastflow bottles and wanted to avoid anything like them in the next bottle I chose. I also disliked how the plastic bottles developed a permanent haze and scratched easily and had read that glass bottles held up best overall. We seemed to find the perfect fit for what we were looking for in the Evenflo glass bottles and, at roughly $2 a piece, was willing to give them a try.
My son was about three months old when we first used them, and I was pretty nervous since he was used to the larger Breastflow nipple. To my surprise, he latched on and drank the entire bottle with no problems. The Evenflo nipple never gave us any problems with nipple confusion either, and he had no problem switching between breastfeeding and bottle feeding, which I was kind of anxious about. The bottle vents very well, despite the fact that there is no special venting system or parts, and we had no problems with excess gas or fussiness after feeding.
What I love the most about these bottles besides their simplicity is their durability. They clean up very easily and still look as new as the day I bought them. I can use a bottle brush on them and there is never any scratching and they wash perfectly in the dishwasher. I have dropped them a number of times on our wood floor and none have broken or even chipped. I know that these bottles will last until my son grows out of them, and will be just as good for any future children.
Another great thing about Evenflo glass bottles is that they hold the temperature of the milk very well. The thickness of the glass helps keep milk warm longer, and even moreso with an added sleeve. The sleeves also add some flair to an otherwise plain bottle. Baby will love the bumpy texture and bright colors as well. My son has had no issues learning to hold the bottle on his own, despite the fact they are heavier than plastic. The sleeves are also dishwasher safe and I have washed them without removing them from the glass with no problems.
These bottles are also great for breastfeeding. Glass is one of the best options for storing frozen breastmilk and these bottles come with sealing disc to make it easy. Evenflo glass bottles will also hook directly into any style of Medela breast pump.
One of the few issues I have had with the bottle is the nipple collapsing, which I soon found was due to the way I screwed on the collar. When the collar is screwed on too tightly, the Micro Air Vents built into the nipple can’t vent, so the nipple collapses. A simple loosening of the collar immediately fixes the problem. You will know the bottle is venting correctly when you see air bubbles flowing upward into the bottle while baby feeds. The only other issue I’ve had with one of the bottles is the nipple cracking. It only has happened to one nipple, but it is worth mentioning. Because they are glass, there is always the possibility of them breaking or cracking, and they are heavier than most bottles.
Here is a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of these bottles:
Pros: Simple and classic, very easy to clean, no residue build-up, durable, chemical-free, hold temperature of liquid, compatible with insulated sleeves, standard neck size fits multiple brands of nipples, Medela breast pump compatible, great for breast milk storage, inexpensive
Cons: Possibility of breaking, heavier than plastic, nipple may collapse, nipple may crack
Overall, I am extremely into the Evenflo glass bottles and wish we would have started with them versus the Breastflow bottles. I am convinced they are one of the best bottles out there, and they also happen to be one of the cheapest. Give the Evenflo Classic Glass Nurser a try. I don’t think you’ll regret it.
What do you think about Evenflo’s Glass Nursers?
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