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Baby Tips

Are you decorating your nursery on a budget?  One of the biggest expenses in the nursery is buying the bedding for the crib.  In all reality, much of the crib bedding won’t be used until the baby is older, like the bumper and comforter, but when you’re excited about decorating the nursery you probably don’t want to skip out on buying a matching set.  Unfortunately, crib bedding sets can be very expensive, easily hitting the $200 mark and more!  Fortunately, there are a lot of options available, if you are willing to do a little digging, to find crib bedding sets for less than $75, and even some less than $50 You can have a beautiful nursery for baby and be thrifty about it at the same time. [continue reading…]


Diaper Champ Review

The Diaper Champ by Baby Trend is one of the few popular options of diaper pails on the market, along with the Diaper Genie and Diaper Dekor.  After spending a lot of time comparing these three styles of diaper pails, I decided on the Diaper Champ, mainly because they don’t require purchasing special bags.  Just a standard trash bag or even plastic grocery bag can be used.  I thought that this fact alone made the Diaper Champ superior and more economical than the other diaper pail brands. 

Here are the specifics of the Diaper Champ.  The pail basically comes in two main pieces that are easily fit together after purchase: the rotating lid with piston on the top and the diaper-storing chamber at the bottom.  A tall, 13 gallon garbage bag fits great, but used shopping bags can also be used.  Bags can easily be inserted and full diaper bags removed by the push of button to access the storage chamber.  The pail is mostly white and can be purchased with either blue or pink edging, which is a fun option for parents who want the pail to match the nursery.  The Diaper Champ holds up to 30 dirty diapers and retails for about $30.  It also comes in a standard or deluxe model.

After having used the diaper pail for 6 months, there are a lot of things I like about it.  It is extremely simple to use.  Just place the diaper in the opening at the top, rotate the handle, and the weight of the piston drops the diaper into the bag.  There is very minimal contact with you and the diaper, which is great since other diaper pails require you to shove a diaper into the bag itself.  The diaper can also easily be disposed of using only one hand, which is great when you need the other to hold onto baby.  The price was great compared to the other diaper pails and I loved using the scented tall trash bags to help combat any extra odors.  For the first few months, I didn’t notice a problem with any odors and I was extremely happy with it.

However, this fact changed when my son started on solid foods at about 5 months of age.  After exclusively breastfeeding up until this point, the odor of his stools definitely changed with the start of solid foods.  As I continued to use the diaper pail, I found that the odors from the dirty diapers did leak out into the rest of the room, forcing us to start disposing of the dirty diapers outside in our main garbage bin.  I still am able to use the pail for wet diapers, but not dirty diapers.  Considering that it is only good for wet diapers at this point, we might as well could have just purchased a regular small garbage can and not a diaper pail for the nursery and saved a little bit of money. 

Here is a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of the Diaper Champ:

Pros:  Easy, one-handed use, doesn’t require special bags, cheaper purchase price compared to other diaper pails, color options available

Cons:  Odors leak when baby starts solid foods

Knowing what I know now, I’m not sure I would have made this purchase, but would have rather just bought a small, regular trash can for the nursery and save the money.  The Diaper Champ did work great at the beginning, but now it is simply not necessary.  Maybe you have or will have better luck with the Diaper Champ.

Have you or someone you know used the Diaper Champ?  What do you/they think about it?

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There are a lot of baby items that are great to buy used and will end up saving you a lot of money.  However, there are a few baby items that a person should never buy used, or at least be very cautious when doing so.  Here is a list of some of the main ones that you should consider buying new if you can:

1.  Car Seat

When buying a used car seat, there is really no way in knowing if the car seat has been in a wreck in the past.  Car seats are supposed to be treated like bike helmets: Even if there is no visible damage after an accident, it is best and safest to discard it and get a new one.  Play it safe and buy a new car seat if you can.

2.  Breast Pump

Not everyone has the need for a breast pump, but if you do, buy new.  A breast pump is a very personal item and it is possible for pathogens in breastmilk and even blood to get into parts of the pump itself that cannot be sterilized.  Even if you bought new tubing and shields, there is still a chance of exposing your baby to something that could be hazardous.  You will definitely want to buy a new breast pump!

3.  Baby Bottles

This goes somewhat along with the reasoning for never buying a used breast pump: You don’t want to expose your baby to anything that someone else’s breastmilk or baby could leave behind, especially in plastic bottles that scratch easily and are harder to clean.  If you were thinking about buying used baby bottles, you would probably want to buy new nipples for them, and if you’re planning on spending money for new nipples you might as well buy new bottles.  A great, inexpensive choice is the Evenflo Classic Glass Nurser which retails for about $2 a piece.

4. Crib Mattress

Mattresses, whether for adults or babies, accumulate a lot of residue in them from dead skin cells to body secretions.  A crib mattress, or any mattress for that matter, is something you should never buy used!  Also, used crib mattresses easily lose their firmness, which is an important factor in protecting babies from SIDS.  Buy a new mattress so your baby will have a safe and clean place to sleep each night. 

Just trust your instinct when considering buying certain used baby items.  When in doubt, buy new.  It may cost you more up front, but it will make for a safer and healthier baby.

Do you have any suggestions for more items for baby that should never be bought used?

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DSC_1965Want a quick and easy way to decorate your baby’s nursery?  Try paper lanterns!  Paper lanterns are a simple and inexpensive way to add a modern and unique feel to the baby nursery.  They come in a large variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns so you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your nursery’s theme and decor.  You can even buy small lights to hang inside to give your nursery a beautiful, calming glow.

When decorating the nursery in our home, I wanted something very unique, but still keep it classy.  When scouring the internet for ideas, I came across the idea of using paper lanterns.  I loved the idea and ordered several. [continue reading…]


Deciding to Find Out the Sex of Your Baby

One of the most anticipated events in having a baby is finding out whether you’re having a boy or girl.  Maybe you’re the type of person that has always known you want to find out the sex of the baby before it arrives.  And maybe you are more of a traditionalist that prefers to wait until baby’s birth.  Either decision is a great decision, and you will be surprised either way.  But are you still on the fence as to whether you should find out the sex of your baby ahead of time?  Then read on.  There are positive things about both, it’s just a matter of finding out what type of person you are.

Usually somewhere around the 20th week of pregnancy, a routine ultrasound will be performed.  Most likely during this exam, you will be asked whether you’d like to know the sex of the baby.  Know you’re answer to this question before going into the appointment!  And if you’re answer is ‘yes’, keep in mind that baby might not be in a position that will allow for the technician to know, and that they don’t always get it 100% right!

With that said, let’s talk about what might make one decide to find out the sex of their baby before birth.  My husband and I are in this category.  I always thought that I’d be the type to wait until birth, but my husband really wanted to know ahead of time.  It’s important, when making this decision, to be sensitive to the other person’s thoughts on the matter, especially if they feel very strongly one way.  One of the biggest positives about finding out ahead of time is being able to plan.  This fact is what helped us decide to find out the sex ahead of time.  I wanted to be able to buy gender-specific items before baby’s arrival.  We were able to decorate the nursery specifically for a boy, instead of keeping everything neutral.  Registering was easier.  It also gave us time to connect with the idea of having a “he” instead of an “it”.  It also helped us to concentrate on thinking of only boy names. All of these factors were very important to us, and that’s why we made the decision to find out the sex of our baby.  If you are like us and the type of person who likes to have everything planned for ahead of time, maybe finding out the sex of your baby ahead of time is the way to go.

Now some of you are thinking, “What about  being surprised?”  The truth be told, it will be a surprise either way!  My husband and I were very surprised and excited to find out at 20 weeks that we were having a boy, and yes, it is surprising and exciting for those who decide to wait as well.  But don’t think you won’t be surprised unless you wait till the birth of your baby.

So what are some of the reasons people choose to wait?  For some people, the anticipation of having to wait until baby is born is very exciting and gives them one more thing to look forward to.   It can be exciting to dream about having either a boy or a girl up until the end.  If you’re wanting the “grand-finale” effect, waiting until the birth is a great idea. 

Some other ideas on finding out the sex of your baby that I’ve heard of is to have the technician write the sex of the baby on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope.  You can open it when and if you decide.  I’ve also heard of couples who find out what the sex of their baby is, but they keep it a secret from everyone else.  In this case, I’m assuming they are careful what they register for so it doesn’t ruin their secret!  I have even heard of a couple that the wife found out but the husband didn’t want to know.  She was able to keep it a secret from him!  I’m not sure if I’d be able to keep something that big from my husband if I tried, but apparently it works for some people.

In making the decision as to whether find out the sex of your baby or not, just remember to trust your gut.  You know what type of person you are and what you’ve always dreamed.  Stick with your plan, and you won’t be disappointed!  Either way, it will be one of the biggest surprises of your life!

Did you find out the sex of your baby ahead of time or not?  What helped you make your decision?


I’ve seen a lot of advertisements in magazines and on the internet for Johnson’s Bedtime Bath and the claim that it will not only help your baby fall asleep faster, but will also help them sleep longer.  To any parent who has a baby that has trouble falling asleep and sleeping through the night, this may sound pretty compelling.  However, just reading their advertisement gets the logical side of my brain second-guessing their claims.  It just seems too good to be true. 

I decided to investigate a little more, having not actually tried the product myself, yet.  I started by going to the maker’s themselves at Johnson’s.  It says right on their description of the product that it’s “clinically proven to help babies fall asleep easier and sleep through the night better.”  As I read this, my brain is interpreting it as, “Just buy our magic potion, use it on baby every night, and all of your sleep problems will be instantly solved.”  There has to be a catch, and there is.  Read carefully and you will see that Johnson’s is actually saying that doing a bedtime routine every night is actually what helps baby fall asleep faster and sleep better, not the product itself. 

Now let me clarify, I have nothing against Johnson’s.  In fact, I use their baby products more than any other and I’m sure their Bedtime Bath line is great.  I just hope that people aren’t mislead into thinking that buying their Bedtime Bath product alone will make their baby sleep better.  A good and consistent bedtime routine is essential, and I would bet to say a good routine will make good sleep habits whether you have a specific nighttime bath formula to use or not. 

Although I already have a working bedtime routine with my baby already, I plan on trying Johnson’s Bedtime Bath just to be able to compare it to their other products.  The official review will be in the works.

If you would like more information on creating a bedtime routine for your baby, read about how to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own.

What is your experience with Johnson’s Bedtime Bath?


Cheap and Easy Nursery Art

DSC_1926Here is a quick, easy, and practically free way to add some great artwork to your baby’s nursery:  How about using some of those baby shower cards and gift bags you receive as artwork?  If you’re having a baby shower, and even if you’re not, you’re bound to get a variety of cute and usable supplies to turn into artwork for the nursery, and the best part is you don’t even have to be a creative person to do it!  Just follow these few, simple steps: [continue reading…]


Choosing a Baby Nursery Layout

You’ve gotten everything ready that you need for the baby nursery from furniture to the wall hangings.  The paint is on the walls and you’re ready to move everything in.  But there is one problem…you’re not sure how! 

Arranging the furniture in the baby nursery should be fun, right?  It can be a difficult task at times, trying to balance what looks good with what will be practical.  There are a few key things you need to keep in mind when choosing the layout for your nursery. [continue reading…]

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Bambu Baby Bowl and Utensil Review

Many parents are avoiding certain plastics not only in baby bottles, but also in toys and the feeding supplies they use.  A friend of mine who is very into using only natural and organic baby products bought the Bambu baby bowl and spoon and fork utensil set for us to use.  Now that we’ve used it for a couple of months, I have a definite idea of what I like and dislike about them.

First of all, I’ll give you the details.  I specifically have and use the Bambu 4-1/2 inch diameter Mini Me bowl in Naked, which simply means it is the natural bamboo color.  This particular bowl also comes coated in blue, kiwi (shown left), spice or bubble gum.  These bowls are hand shaped from organic bamboo and are extremely smooth to the touch.  You don’t have to worry about splinters.  They are also very light-weight.  The bowls are coated with a safe lacquer that makes them waterproof and able to hold hot or cold foods.  However, they are not dishwasher safe and should not be left to soak in water for a long period of time.  Clean up is easy with a quick rinse in soapy water and towel dry. 

After using the bowl for over two months, there are a lot of things I like about it.  First of all, I love the way it looks.  I love the natural look of the wood.  It is very different from any other baby feeding product I’ve seen and it is plain-and-simply cute.  Although I’m not the type of person who avoids plastics for my baby at all costs, I do like the fact that it is made from a completely natural substance.  This next one might surprise you, but I actually like the fact that it isn’t dishwasher safe.  This requires that I wash it immediately after my son eats, which means it is ready to go for his next feeding, always.  I have used the bowl for both hot and cold foods, and it hasn’t caused any chipping, splintering, or peeling in all of it’s use.  I love the depth of the bowl. It seems deeper than most baby bowls I’ve seen.  And I love how light and compact it is.  Another great thing is that when baby outgrows using this bowl, it can easily be used in the future for snacks, or even as a prep bowl.

The only thing I say I might dislike about it is the cost.  They retail for over $10 for one bowl, which is kind of steep.  However, considering the quality, function, and safety of it, I think it is worth it.

As far as the feeding utensils, a Bambu baby utensil set is available, which includes a fork and a spoon.  The set is made of the same organic bamboo as the bowl.  There are only natural wood colors available.  They are 5 inches long and each has a curved handle to make it comfortable to hold.  Again, the utensils are completely smooth and light-weight.

Many of the things I like about the utensils are similar to that of the bowl; completely natural, light-weight, and easy to clean.  I also like that the bamboo  is easier on a baby’s sensitive gums as opposed to using a metal spoon or fork.  Their handles are thick and curved and make it easy and comfortable to hold.

Probably what I dislike the most about the utensil set (besides the price) is that the actual fork or spoon area that baby eats from seems a little large.  Although my son had no problem eating off the end of the spoon when he was four and five months old, it is a little bit more bulky than a lot of spoons out there.  Also, the tines on the fork are big and somewhat dull, so if you’re planning on using them to spear a hard piece of food, it may be a little more difficult than using a traditional fork.  However, I think this adds to its safety.

Overall, I have loved my Bambu bowl and utensils, and I plan on purchasing more when the need is there.  I am very into Bambu!

Have you ever used Bambu?  What do you think?


Teaching Your Baby to Fall Asleep on Their Own

Possibly one of the most frustrating and exhausting parts of having a baby is when they don’t sleep well.  Some babies are great sleepers from the start and don’t have any trouble going to sleep at night and staying asleep.  But then there are those that go to sleep as long as they are rocked, held, or fed to sleep.  This is fine until baby gets old enough to rely on this as their only method of going to sleep.  It will eventually make it so they must have you in order to sleep since they haven’t learned to do so on their own.

My son was definitely the type that relied on me every night to put him to sleep.  I would usually hold him and bounce her for a while, and then feed him.  He had no problem going to sleep that way.  The problem was that once I set him in his crib, he sensed that he wasn’t next to me and he would wake up.  So then the cycle would continue; bouncing, feeding, sleeping, and waking.  There were some nights that I would beat a path between my room and his until he finally settled completely for the night.  I was exhausted, and so was my husband.  We both had full-time jobs at the time and getting our sleep at night was crucial.  I never even thought there was an option out there to teach my baby how to sleep. 

But let me tell you, there is, and it worked for us!  I found out that when a baby gets old enough, usually around four months old, they are capable of learning how to go to sleep on their own.  So how do you do it?  First of all, you  must make a consistent bedtime routine each night.  This routine can include anything you choose to help your baby learn that it’s time to go to sleep.  Baths, reading, changing into pajamas, quiet playing, singing and music are just some ideas you can incorporate into a routine.  It is important that you do the same routine every night at around the same time so your baby will learn to associate it with bedtime.  Our particular bedtime routine starts with changing our son into his pajamas, feeding him, and reading a few books to him in his room.  We do this consistently around 7:30 each night.  I say a quick bedtime prayer and lay him down in his crib, awake.  I am able to turn to light off, walk out, and shut the door without him crying.  He puts himself right to sleep.

It wasn’t this easy at first.  We had about three nights that were rocky before he learned his routine.  The first night I did the entire routine, lay him in his crib awake, and walked out.  He started crying.  And he cried.  And he cried.  And he cried.  About every five minutes I would walk in and talk to him and give him his pacifier.  After about forty-five minutes of this, he finally went to sleep on his own.  The next night was still rough but much better.  It took him about twenty minutes.  And finally the third night took a little less than ten.  It was very hard to do, but after seeing progress each night, we knew he was learning.  And let me tell you, it was worth it!  By night four, I lay him in the crib and he didn’t cry at all.  He had learned how to put himself to sleep.  And it’s been that easy ever since.  No joke.  We were amazed!  The key is to make a routine and stick to it, to lay them down tired but awake, and to be consistent.  I was very skeptical when we first tried this, but it has worked for us. 

Your baby is capable of falling asleep on their own, and it is an important skill that they will need to learn.  It may be hard to try something different at first, but in the end it is best for your sanity and theirs. 

I learned about the sleep learning process and the steps involved in the book, The Sleepeasy Solution.  I highly recommend at looking into it if your baby has any sleep issues.

What challenges do you face in getting your baby to sleep?  What seems to work best for you?